Saturday 12 May 2012

Paving our Path along the Journey……….

When I first saw the requirements for the Art of Leadership module, I was a bit surprise to see that we are required to set up a Blog of our own.  I do socialize but I am a person who hardly wrote anything on my Facebook status or even commented on my friends’ status apart from Felicitations, Congratulatory or Condolence messages.  

Those who knew me well have been encouraging me to write something which we have talked or discussed about.  However, the time and situation never permit me to do so. I know that I would never have done so to create a blog of my own if it wasn’t for the graded assignment by Professor Jonathan Marshall for the “Art of Leadership” core module for the Master Degree Programme at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy School. With this in mind, allow me to extend my appreciation to the Professor in encouraging us to extend our horizons and finding our inner strengths and capabilities as well as enabling us to experience and use the power of social media in today’s fast growing community.

I hope that the time I spent on creating and posting on this blog will allow me to receive fruitful and healthy debates far beyond my school period and make friends along the way.

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